Building retrofits face technical and financial uncertainties, such as savings and future costs. This position aims to understand these uncertainties and incorporate them into the economic assessment of individual buildings and building portfolios.
We offer a PhD position (4 years, full time) for graduates with a master's degree and an affinity for modelling and data analysis.
Position Overview: Decarbonising the energy demand of buildings is a key objective and requirement for achieving climate neutrality. Still, building retrofit measures such as building insulation or heating system replacement are subject to technical and financial uncertainty, e.g. regarding expected savings, technical implementation, future energy prices and costs of the measures. This uncertainty and the associated risk are key barriers to a greater uptake of decarbonisation and efficiency measures. This position aims to provide new insights on how to disentangle the uncertainty components of building retrofit measures and how to integrate them into the energy economic assessment at the level of individual buildings and building portfolios. This will involve mathematical simulation, optimisation and analysis of metered energy consumption data.
Qualifications: We're seeking candidates with:
- A master degree in technical, natural sciences, economics or related fields
- A strong interest in energy economics and the decarbonisation of energy systems in buildings
- Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, Julia, GAMS, etc.
- Experience and skills in data analysis methods
- Willingness to produce high-quality publications.
- Strong command of English
- Proficiency in German (advantageous but not mandatory)
- Organisational skills, structured way of working
- A collaborative and team-oriented mindset
To apply, please send your application documents to by 12 February.
Please find a detailled description of the vacant PhD position in the document below.